Toby Green, “The Creation of Hard and Soft Currencies: Historical Roots of Present Inequalities in Africa”
Wilder House, Tuesday, November 18, 2014 from 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Toby Green is a lecturer in Lusophone African History and Culture at Kings College in London. He has given seminars and contributed to symposia at various institutions in Brazil, France, Portugal, Senegal, The Gambia, The Netherlands, the UK and the USA. Green is the Director of Institutional Relations of the Amilcar Cabral Institute of Economic and Political Research, a think-tank specializing in Guinea-Bissau which is affiliated to the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Guinea-Bissau. He has written widely for the national press, and has reviewed for The Independent, The London Review of Books and the TLS. He is also a member of the Council and the Honorary Treasurer of the African Studies Association of the UK (ASAUK), and is leading an ASAUK writing workshop in The Gambia which aims to assist academics based in Africa to publish in international journals. He is on the advisory board of research projects in Brazil and The Netherlands.